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South Windsor Dental Blog

The 5-Step Preparation Process for a Dental Crown

June 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwindsordental @ 6:18 pm
a dental lab technician crafted a dental crown

Many people avoid visiting the dentist because they’re afraid they’re going to find out that they need a procedure, like a dental crown. While the unknown can be daunting, these treatments actually help preserve your smile and prevent small oral health problems from becoming even worse. By learning more about what your treatment will look like, you can erase the mystery, and even the fear, surrounding your dental visit. Read on to learn the five-step preparation process for getting a dental crown.


What To Do If You Chipped a Tooth?

March 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwindsordental @ 2:27 am

Model of a chipped front toothA chipped tooth can be quite alarming, but don’t panic! Although your enamel is the hardest substance in your body, it isn’t indestructible. Unfortunately, it won’t grow back, either. No matter how the break happened, you could be at risk of losing your tooth with no treatment, even if the damage appears minor. Here are 3 steps to take if you chipped a tooth and how your emergency dentist can fix it.


4 Reasons to Schedule Dental Checkups Early in the Year

January 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwindsordental @ 2:45 pm
person’s hand circling the word “dentist” on calendar

Who wouldn’t want a healthy, happy smile? Fortunately, it’s not that hard to achieve. Along with a balanced diet, good oral hygiene, and avoiding bad habits, biannual visits to the dentist are one of the most important things you could do to maintain the health of your pearly whites. Though attending checkups and cleanings any time of the year will benefit your beam, there are several reasons why you should consider seeing your dentist sooner rather than later. Keep reading to learn why you should schedule dental checkups early in the year.


What to Expect After Getting a Root Canal

November 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwindsordental @ 10:42 pm
person resting on couch after getting a root canal

Root canals have unfairly been deemed as a painful, unpleasant procedure due to the rapid spread of misinformation through movies, TV shows, and the internet. This procedure is actually virtually painless and is the only way to repair a severely infected tooth. Your dentist will administer a numbing agent before the procedure to prevent you from experiencing any discomfort. They may also offer sedation for patients who need a little extra help relaxing. After the procedure, you’ll need to take some time to heal and recover. Read on to learn about what you can expect after getting a root canal and a few ways that you can ensure the procedure is a success.


3 Things You Can Expect After Root Canal Therapy

October 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwindsordental @ 4:15 pm
root canal therapy

Have you recently been told by your dentist that you need to have a root canal treatment? Fortunately, it is not a painful procedure, like it has been portrayed on television and in the movies. As a matter of fact, root canal therapy causes no more discomfort than receiving a filling. Keep reading on to learn about three things you can expect as you are on your way to a healthy and restored tooth!


How Your Child’s School Lunch Affects Their Oral Health

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwindsordental @ 4:58 pm
Child smiling and holding his school lunch.

Back-to-school season is now in full swing, and you’ve probably got a lot of things on your mind as you get your little one prepared for the new school year. One thing you shouldn’t disregard is your child’s smile—you certainly want their teeth looking as healthy and white as possible for their yearbook photo! But did you know that what they eat throughout the day plays a large part in their overall oral health? Here are a few suggestions from your dentist for keeping your child’s smile bright by providing healthy options for their school lunches in South Windsor.


Dental Implant Surgery: How to Prepare and What to Expect

July 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwindsordental @ 9:20 pm
dental implant surgery in South Windsor

Missing teeth can affect more than just your appearance – they can impact your overall quality of life as well. Luckily, dental implants are a wonderful solution that can help you enjoy a complete and fully functioning smile once again. Even though you couldn’t be more excited to restore your grin, it’s completely normal to feel a bit nervous about the surgical procedure itself. To help you out, we’re sharing tips on what to do before your dental implant surgery in South Windsor to ensure successful treatment.


Enjoying 5 Summer Foods with Dental Implants

May 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — southwindsordental @ 1:54 am

Grilled meats on barbequeIf you’ve invested in dental implants, you don’t have to worry about skipping your favorite summer foods in South Windsor. As the only treatment to recreate both the root and crown, you have gained a nearly perfect replica of your real teeth. The support of your jawbone restores 70% of your natural biting force to enjoy many tasty seasonal dishes; however, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to watch what you eat. Here’s what you need to know to protect your new smile during summer cookouts.


Do Dental Crowns Hurt?

March 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwindsordental @ 2:21 pm
person with dental crown smiling

If you recently damaged a tooth due to an accident or severe decay, your dentist may recommend getting a dental crown to repair the tooth and allow it to function properly. Dental crowns completely encircle a tooth to protect it from further harm. These tooth-shaped caps are durable, lifelike, and blend with the rest of your smile. If you’ve never had a crown placed before, you may be wondering if the procedure hurts. Read on to learn everything you need to know about whether it hurts to get a crown.


What to Do After You Get a Dental Crown

February 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwindsordental @ 2:42 pm
woman admiring her smile after getting dental crown in South Windsor

If a broken tooth has been bothering you recently, you probably can’t wait to have your dentist place a dental crown over it to relieve the pain. Still, part of you might be worried about whether the procedure will hurt. Rest assured that your dentist will keep you comfortable the entire time, but it may take a few days for your mouth to feel back to normal afterward. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect after getting a crown and some easy dental crown aftercare tips.

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