Have you been avoiding your dental appointments because you fear the dentist? You are not alone. In fact, at least 15% of Americans also live with dental-related fears and phobias. Now, you no longer need to put your appointments on hold. At South Windsor Dental, Dr. Sara E. Curcio is a sedation dentist in South Windsor, CT. She will help you have a comfortable dental experience using relaxation dentistry. She will calm your nerves and give you the peace of mind you need for a worry-free visit.
The focus of relaxation dentistry is to use techniques and tools to help you feel comfortable. In addition to a welcoming and friendly atmosphere, Dr. Curcio also offers oral conscious sedation to help you relax. This is beneficial for patients who have unique needs when it comes to feeling at ease during their appointments, such as:
Depending on your insurance policy, the sedation may be covered in part or in full. We will help you understand your benefits and how they can be used in your favor to lower the amount you need to pay out-of-pocket.
Oral conscious sedation is a prescribed pill you take about an hour before your appointment; therefore, you need a friend or loved one to drive you to our office. By the time you arrive, you will have reached a deep level of physical and mental relaxation.
Contrary to common belief, you will not be unconscious. Instead, you will be deeply relaxed and may even fall asleep; however, you can be easily awakened to respond to the dentist’s verbal ques. You will not feel any pain or discomfort, and you may not even remember your appointment afterward.
It can take several hours for the medication to wear off, so you will need a ride home. It is common to feel drowsy for the remainder of the day. It is best to rest for at least 24 hours until the effects dissipate. Although oral conscious sedation is considered safe, it can cause temporary nausea, but it will subside shortly.
When performed by a trained professional, like Dr. Curcio, sedation dentistry is safe, but she will need to discuss your medical history and current medications to ensure it is the right option for you. Dr. Curcio will create a customized treatment plan to help make your dental appointment as comfortable as possible.
If going to the dentist makes you nervous, Dr. Curcio is here to help. With relaxation dentistry, she will make your appointment easy and stress-free. To see how sedation dentistry can help you during your next visit, contact our office today to learn more.